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Project Parent Sponsors 2016

Without kind donations of both money + products, Project Parent wouldn't be able to reach as many families without all the support. As a team, we would like to thank:

Businesses + Organisations:
- SCA for £200 which sponsors 20 boxes for the GNCH in Newcastle
- SCA for 250 'hand andies' for our boxes this year
- Ringtons Tea for 2,000 twin packs of ginger snap biscuits, 500 hot chocolate sachets, 500 coffee sticks and 1500 of assorted tea bags with envelopes. They also kindly lent us their van and super friendly staff for deliveries to the RVI
- Twinings for 250 English Tea packets
- Borders Biscuits for 300 twin packs of biscuits
- Hotel-buyer for donating dental kits for each of our boxes this year
- Davpack for discounting our boxes so we could achieve a more professional look this year
- Prestige Entertainment for £50 which sponsors 5 Bristol boxes
- Spoonie Survival Kits for choosing us to donate to for the Christmas Kits
- Stocksfield Methodist Church for raising £155
- Diamond Cleaning + Domestic services who sponsored 5 boxes for the GNCH in Newcastle
- Country-Baskets for discounting our organza bags and ribbon
- LUSH Gateshead for donating 25 bathbombs, LUSH Leeds and LUSH Cribbs for a bag of goodies!
- Brad + Louise Clarke who both ran marathons for us this year raising £411. This sponsors 80% of the boxes for their local hospital in Leeds.
- Tracy Stanforth for holding a bake sale at work and raising £163
- Danielle Falcus made personalised candles for us raising £60 which sponsors 6 boxes this year
- Rory Singer raised £60 through dog walking and sponsors 6 boxes this year
- Becca Kemal for sponsoring 3 boxes
- Carl Francais for sponsoring a box 
- Merryn Crofts for sponsoring 15 boxes 
- Amy Hanson for sponsoring 2 boxes 
- Brendan O'Hagan for sponsoring 2 boxes
- Rosie Black for sponsoring 5 boxes
- Holly Smith for sponsoring a box
- Shaun Fergerson for sponsoring 3 boxes
- Andrew Moncaster for sponsoring 4 boxes
- Alice Wright for sponsoring a box
- Naomi Barrow for sponsoring a box
- Amy Sammut for sponsoring 2 boxes (and a special thanks for being an amazing help last year!)
- Hilary Bailey for sponsoring a box
- Tracy + Steve Stanforth for sponsoring 2 boxes
- Ann Worthy + Judith Dunn for sponsoring a box
- Hayley Mills for sponsoring a box
- Everyone who donated bottles for our bottle tombola at Stocksfield Festival in 2015 - raising £90
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